Friday, November 11, 2011

VINTAGE Button Collections

O MY GOODNESS! I love vintage buttons and I happened upon this yummy collections on Etsy. I bought them of course. How could I resist! Just look at them all pink and red and bit of pizazz in the mix.

I remember my grandmother Irene's button collection. She kept them in an old tin box. In the depression clothing was never thrown out. It was re purposed into other things like dust clothes, pillows or rags for cleaning. When I would go visit my Grandmother in Minnesota during summer school break, she would have simple chores for me to do. One of them was to cut the old buttons off of my grandpas shirts and other clothing that had worn out and was destined for the rag box.

I loved her wonderful button collection. She would use the buttons if needed, but mostly she kept them in the tin. It was a wonderful treasure and I loved the feel of the buttons as my fingers cupped them and let them fall into the box like so many coins and treasures. I asked about the button tin after my grandmother passed away in 1969. No one knew of it. I suppose it was given away or perhaps donated to a charity. Several years ago I started my own button collection. It's my weird and quirky wonder that pleases me to no end.

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