Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Passion for Dolls

On a fun note for today,  I had some free time this afternoon and was in need of a break from my sewing machine and working on items for my shop. Out from one of the doll bins I found sad little unfinished dolly, who was in dire need of my attention!  She had been given to me 5 years ago from my sister Barbara who had received her from our little sister as a gift. Little sister Annie made her but didn't know how to finish dolly. She had no hair nor eyes or mouth, and her dress was unfinished and her stuffing was falling out!

Dolly was passed on to me and she ended up in a bin with other dolly things long forgotten until today. Oh what fun I had to enjoy my ALMOST forgotten passion for dolls. See my project completed. What shall we name her? She has the hint of bewildered look and a tiny frown. Wonder if she's thinking "Too Much Hair!"

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