Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Blast from the Past

Click on the above photo to see enlarged view of lots of my ideas put to fruition. 

O my! Going through my photo files I found lots of pics of the fun things I've made over the last few years. Sometimes I feel like I have a variety store in my head. I want to make everything I think of !

Part of having an intense creative personality is always being aware that your mind is in over-drive constantly thinking of new projects and ideas that come and go into ones head like a movie on fast forward. I'll be thinking of a new design or fabrics I'd like to use and must then take a few quick notes as the next idea or image is waiting to over shadow what I have not yet processed from the previous idea!  I often times wake at 3 AM (the witching hour)  and can't go back to sleep until I get out of bed to walk around a bit and clear my head of the creative noise.

Sometimes in order for me to fall back asleep I think of a favorite imagined place of peace and meditation:. It's a white sand beach under a cloudless, lapus lazuli, deep blue sky at dusk. The sand is pure white, void of shells and there are no people anywhere in sight. The beach is a long endless expanse that beckons me to walk towards the end of nowhere. Walking along and listening to the silent, noiseless nothingness of solitude I am at peace. The warm breeze feels soothing and tiny bits of sand blow around my feet tickling my toes and bare feet, enticing me to dig my toes in deeper to the warm dry sand.... Before I know it the sunrise morning time to wake has arrived. A new day of creativity awaits for me to discover.

Well, it is a simple medication, but it does work to clear my head so I can sleep. This and the "white" noise of the ceiling fan are the BEST sleep inducers for my over worked hyper creative brain. Hope you enjoyed looking at some of  my favorite things I've made over the last few years.

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