Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Etsy Supply Street Team TREASURY

Well how weird is this?

I was working on my website and needed to get some info from one of my Etsy listings. On a whim I clicked on the Treasury page and lo and behold, the count was at 333 which is the opening window for grabbing a Treasury. I stared at 333 for a mere second, and to my amazement a Treasury window opened right in front of my eyes! I clicked on it quickly and away I went creating my Treasury. It's title is "ESST Team Mellow Yellow" and it's loaded with lots of beautiful yellow themed supplies for everything from jewlery crafting to sewing, and in between!

Interesting side note is that I actually made the sketch page of my Treasury selections a couple of weeks ago in anticipation of snagging a Treasury in the next few days. BUT I missed the window opening because McAffee started to do a weekly scan of my computer at the EXACT second that I clicked on the Trasury window. My computer locked up and in a few seconds when I was able to once again move my mouse, my Treasury was lost and I couldn't re-claim it.

It really is a matter of luck and or timing to get those elusive treasury openings. This newest one is for my other Etsy street team, ESST (Etsy Supply Street Team)
Check us out:

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