Wednesday, October 24, 2012

38 Dslr Lens Pouches

I'm so weird sometimes in the way I do things. I annoy myself!

Don't know why I am posting this "38" lens bag entry when my normal way would be to have a 40 or 50 lot. I got tired of cutting and sewing the bags and just stopped! That was all I could handle. NOW I have to cut out 38 fleece liner bags. Ugh! Tedious work to do all this cutting and sewing.

I once had a person contact me and ask why I charge $15 for my lens bags and what makes them worth that price. Seriously? This is why. I am basically making 2 bags into one bag. I also use quality pressure lock closure and end cord caps and designer cotton fabrics.

With my time and materials the actual income per bag is  based on 45 minutes to craft one bag. I'm netting less than $8 per hour/bag. If I didn't like what I do, I would be back punching a time clock like I did for 25 years. My only real complaint is this bad economy of ours has taken a bite out of sales. Hope post election, pre-holiday will put a smile back on my face and that all my work and effort will see lens bags sales like last year and the 4 years before.

Here is what 38 lens bags look like. This is my work for the next few days.


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