Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Having major meltdown today while trying to take new pics of my work from yesterday. A few weeks ago while using my 5mm (my fav for props pics) the lens fell out of the body...How the heck that happened Ill never know....Can it even be repaired, and is fo where?....It's a CANON so maybe I should contact them?    
Today I tried using  my RAYNOX  DCR250 macro attachment and the DOF is too short. I can only get a super closeup of one part of the item...Now I'm back to using my 18-55 and the lighting is terrible today....Anyone use a SPEEDLITE 430 EX ? I can't get that thing to work for me to my picky standards.....I need some new pics!!

Please fell free to comment on any tips that I desperately need for using the SPEEDLITE properly!

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