Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dear Blog. I've Missed you!

Dear Blog,
So sorry that I have neglected you for these past months. Life has been busy with a move to a new address, and new grand-baby, as well as the passing of a few beloved family members and I discovered games on Facebook! When not sewing up a storm, I have been playing Angry Birds, Hidden Chronicles, Pioneer Trail, and Words with Friends! I know I should have at least visited you dear Blog at least a few times over these past few months but to be honest, I didn't have the energy or desire. You see dear Blog, I have been kind of down and feeling sorry for myself.  

Sales have lagged this past year despite my devotion to the work room and sewing up a storm. A new idea and shop didn't pan out. New product ideas brought in no sales. And it seems like many other creative people have climbed into the wagon and my competition has increased tremendously since I designed the first camera strap slip cover in 2007. My little idea for a new product has been copied and sold in more styles and variations than a penny candy store. If copy is a form of flattery than I am truly flattered.

Sad thing is that I need a job! Can't seem to find one and so I depend on my shop sales and a 50% drop in sales the past 2 years has not been an easy adjustment. After much soul searching, I am determined to pull myself up out of the doldrums and to be happy for the sales I DO have, and keep at it for a while longer. Holiday's are around the corner and that is when the majority of my sales are made. It's a good thing!

Thanks for being here dear Blog. I've missed you and HELLO dear Blog.!

I'm back!